
  1. A Measure of Monthly State-level Output in Japan. (joint with Daisuke Fujii and Taisuke Nakata) Accepted at Japanese Economic Review, January 2025.

  2. Tax-and-Transfer Progressivity and Business Cycles. (joint with Youngsoo Jang and Minchul Yum) Quantitative Economics, 14(4), 1367-1400, November 2023.

  3. Credible Forward Guidance. (joint with Quentin Batista and Taisuke Nakata) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 153, 104699, August 2023. Journal website. The previous version including the analysis with the static Phillips curve is available here.

  4. The Natural Rate of Interest in a Nonlinear DSGE Model. (joint with Yasuo Hirose) International Journal of Central Banking, 19(1), 301-339, March 2023.

  5. Applying the Explicit Aggregation Algorithm to Heterogeneous Agent Models in Continuous Time. (joint with Masakazu Emoto) Economics Letters, 206, 109940, September 2021. Journal website / Github repository

  6. A Promised Value Approach to Optimal Monetary Policy. (joint with Timothy Hills and Taisuke Nakata) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 83(1), 176-198, February 2021. Journal website

  7. Applying the Explicit Aggregation Algorithm to Heterogeneous Macro Models. Computational Economics, 55(3), 845-874, March 2020. Journal website / Github repository

  8. Sustainable International Monetary Policy Cooperation. (joint with Ippei Fujiwara and Timothy Kam) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 106, 103721, September 2019. Journal website / Github repository (including the online appendix)

  9. Financial Frictions, Capital Misallocation, and Structural Change. (joint with Naohisa Hirakata) Journal of Macroeconomics, 61, 103127, September 2019. Journal website

  10. Review of Solution and Estimation Methods for Nonlinear DSGE Models with the Zero Lower Bound. (joint with Yasuo Hirose) Japanese Economic Review, 70(1), 51-104, January 2019. Journal website / Slides (at JEA 2018 Spring meeting) / Github repository

  11. On Two Notions of Imperfect Credibility in Optimal Monetary Policies. (joint with Ippei Fujiwara and Timothy Kam) Economics Letters, 174, 22-25, January 2019. Journal website

  12. Optimal Monetary Policy with Labor Market Frictions: The Role of the Wage Channel. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 47(6), 1119-1147, September 2015. Journal website / Online appendix / Replication files

  13. A Quantitative Analysis of Optimal Sustainable Monetary Policies. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 52, 119-135, March 2015. Journal website / Replication files

  14. Inflation Dynamics and Labor Market Specifications: A Bayesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach for Japan’s Economy. (joint with Hibiki Ichiue and Takushi Kurozumi) Economic Inquiry, 51(1), 273-287, January 2013.

  15. Efficiency in a Search and Matching Model with Right-to-Manage Bargaining. Economics Letters, 117(3), 679-682, December 2012.