Working Papers
- Parameter Bias in an Estimated DSGE Model: Does Nonlinearity Matter? (joint with Yasuo Hirose) CAMA Working Paper Series 46/2015, November 2015.
Policy related works
On the Interaction between Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Developments in Macroeconomics since the Global Financial Crisis. (joint with Mitsuru Katagiri, Yusuke Oh, Yasutaka Ogawa, and Nao Sudo) Bank of Japan IMES Discussion Paper Series 2024-E-12, October 2024.
COVID-19 and Suicide in Japan. (joint with Quentin Batista, Daisuke Fujii, and Taisuke Nakata) June 2022.
Fiscal Inflation in Japan: The Role of Unfunded Transfer Shocks.
The Optimal Quantity of CBDC in Japan. (joint with Junko Ishikawa and Meylis Orazov)
Selected works in progress
A Business Cycle Assessment of Joint Taxation of Married Couples (joint with Minchul Yum)
Conditional Equivalence of Inversion filter and Kalman filter in Estimating DSGE Models (joint with Elnura Baiaman kyzy and Hiroyuki Kubota)